For Online registration on NanoIsrael 2019

Exhibition Profile

The exhibition is open to all companies and organizations with products and services which are professional interest to the conference Read More

Information for Exhibitors

  To download Exhibition Instructions:                               Read More

How to Attend

EXHIBITION DETAILS To reserve your space, please contact Ms. Lyne An:   Phone: +972 -7-4745-7489 Email:      Space Allocation Read More

Previous Events

    The 4th International Nanotechnology Conference & Exhibition NANO ISRAEL 2014 Visit the web site       The Read More

Picture Gallery

Nano In the Art Competition

  EXHIBITION AND COMPETITION AT NANOISRAEL 2016 CONFERENCE   Following the success of NanoIsrael 2014, we are proud to host Read More

Call for Posters

NANO ABSTRACT SUBMISSION IS NOW    Abstract Submission for Poster Presentation Deadline has been extended to: November 22, 2015   Read More


  Nanobiotechnology Nanomaterials Nanomedicine Photonics and Telecom NanoDefense & Aerospace International Collaborations Semi-conductor and other important and emerging industrial sectors

Meet The Speakers

  PLENARY SPEAKERS  & KEYNOTE SPEAKERS Prof. Toshio Ando, Kanazawa University, Japan Prof. Louis Brus, Colombia University, USA Prof. Bradley F. Chmelka, University Read More

Full Program

Monday, 22 February 2016       Hall A 09:00-09:20 Opening Remarks:                 Read More