Start-Up Area and Competition MIXiii-Biomed 2018

///Start-Up Area and Competition MIXiii-Biomed 2018

Start-Up Area and Competition MIXiii-Biomed 2018

As in previous years, one of the highlights of the MIXiii-Biomed Exhibition will be the Start-up Pavilion. Strategically located at the exhibition center this space will be dedicated to providing a powerful, high-end platform for maximum exposure and business development opportunities for innovative start-up companies.
MIXiii-Biomed and Israel Innovation Authority are once again ready to provide the platform for early-stage start-ups to realize their potential in the local and international markets.
Start-up Pavilion Application
In order to be included for selection in the Start-up Pavilion, companies are required to submit an application form via the event website.
Application deadline: March 8, 2018.
For further information please contact: Tamar Bagdadi,



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By |2018-02-27T11:42:43+00:00January 30th, 2018|News|Comments Off on Start-Up Area and Competition MIXiii-Biomed 2018

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