Dear Friends and Colleagues,
It is our honor and pleasure to invite you to participate in the 21st BIOMED Israel Conference and Exhibition, to be held May 16-18, 2023, in Tel Aviv, Israel.
BIOMED is Israel’s premiere and most established life sciences conference. It has positioned itself as the main annual meeting place for both Israeli and international players.
Can we Successfully Diagnose and Guide Patient’s Optimal Cancer Treatment?
- AI Tapestry: Optimizing the Interaction of AI and Biopharma
Do we Know Enough About the Brain to Treat Neurological Disorders?
Are recent trends reshuffling MedTech companies value capture towards data, digital and commercialization elements?
Workshop: US Launch Preparation: The Essential Factors for Optimal Reimbursement & Maximum Profitability
Bio-Convergence-Everything That Rises Must Converge
Longevity – How to Complete the Centenarian Decathlon?
Are Cancer Therapeutics Fulfilling the Promise?
Robots Dancing with Humans in the Healthcare System and Homes
Ophthalmology, from R&D to Commercialization
Workshop: Tectonic Regulatory Shifts and their Impacts (BioPharma and Medical Devices)
Who Owns Health Decisions? The Changing Dynamics of Patient-Physician Relationships in the Digital Health Revolution.
Let Food be Thy Medicine and Medicine be Thy Food
- How Do We Make Academic Translation Medicine replicable and relevant?
- Facts and Myths on Ex-Liver Drug Delivery and New Horizons to Cure Rare Disorders
- Navigating Global Collaborations in Times of Uncertainty: Can we turn challenges into growth opportunities?
Biomed Israel Gallery

Our previous successful conferences hosted over 6,000 industry executives, scientists, doctors, engineers and investors, including approximately 1,000 international participants from over 45 countries and more than 4,500 one-on-one meetings.
17th National Life Sciences & Technology Week
May 15-17, 2018 | David InterContinental, Tel Aviv, Israel
18th National Life Science & Technology Week
May 14-16, 2019 | David InterContinental, Tel Aviv, Israel
19th National Life Sciences & Technology Week
May 11-13, 2021 | Virtual Event