Kenes Exhibitions- Exhibitions and Conferences all over the world Events covering different topics, from Hitech to Biomed, from Watec to Agritech. The Kenes Exhibitions Conferences are one of a kind. Wed, 01 May 2019 14:03:57 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Kenes Exhibitions- Exhibitions and Conferences all over the world 32 32 VBL Of Israel Has High Hopes For Cancer Gene Therapy Wed, 01 May 2019 14:03:57 +0000

INTERVIEWS | by Kevin Grogan

VBL will be presenting as part of the oncology track at MiXiii Biomed, Israel’s leading international life science conference and exhibition, taking place on May 14-16 in Tel Aviv.

MIXiii-BIOMED 2019: Kind Reminder – (only) 1 day left Wed, 01 May 2019 10:16:36 +0000

Last day left to take advantage of the Early Bird Registration

We want to make sure you receive the best value for your money. For this reason, we are reminding you to register with the Early Bird registration rate for the prestigious MIXiii-Biomed 2019 Event , available only Today and Tomorrow.

For Registration queries please contact Ronit Steinmetz. If you have already registered to the conference, please ignore this email.

MIXiii-BIOMED 2019: Register Now – Only 2 (two) days left.. Tue, 30 Apr 2019 09:49:49 +0000

Only 2 (two) days left to take advantage of the Early Bird Registration

Make sure you are part of this prestigious MIXiii-Biomed 2019 Event and save on the registration fee by registering no later than Wednesday, May 2, 2019 (until 12:00 midnight GMT+2).

Please note: Entrance to Biomed 2019 Exhibition & Conference, as well as the Networking area and Satellite events, is by payment only and therefore only accessible to Registered Participants.

Stay informed of the latest news and developments in the Biomed field and take a look at the Scientific Program line-up of interesting and world-renowned experts in their respective fields.

Join us in mixing and mingling with participants and Invited Faculty in Session Halls, the Exhibition Area, and Relaxing Social Events.


Only after Ziv Shilon was discharged from the hospital rehabilitation center one year after his injury, did he understand that much of the world was not built for those with disabilities.

Jerusalem Post by EYTAN HALON |  APRIL 25, 2019 09:39

One October night in 2012, amid thick fog, Givati Brigade company commander Ziv Shilon was leading his final mission on his very last day in the position, a combined operation to search for explosive devices and tunnels in an area close to the Israel-Gaza border. Shilon’s final task was to open a border fence gate to allow Israeli tanks to return to Israeli territory. 

Due to limited visibility and the likelihood that enemy snipers would target his forces, Shilon left his soldiers approximately 250 meters behind him as he ran to open the fence.

“When I started as a commander in the IDF, I knew that you must always lead your soldiers, no matter the situation,” Shilon told The Jerusalem Post.

“I ran to that gate, opened the lock and took about three steps forward. I felt an enormous explosion that threw me backwards.”

When he finally managed to open his eyes, Shilon saw his left hand was full of blood. He tried to apply pressure to the wound with his right hand, but realized that his injured hand was almost disconnected.

“Within seconds, I understood that the worst thing that can happen to me and to Israel was to be kidnapped by a Hamas terrorist. By some form of miracle, I gathered the leftovers of my arms and managed to run some 250 meters from the Gaza border straight to my vehicle,” said Shilon.

There, he was given first aid and soon evacuated by helicopter to Soroka Medical Center, in critical condition. 

Hanging between life and death, Shilon was unconscious for four days, underwent eight operations, and received 52 units of blood, more than eight times the amount circulating in the human body.

“When I finally stabilized, I realized that now the real battle of my life has begun. During the first few months, it wasn’t only the pain and the bad news, but the feeling that a second ago I was a company commander with responsibility for 130 combat soldiers, and now I need help to take showers, eat and dress,” recalled Shilon, who now has a prosthetic left arm and limited use of his right. 

“I understood that I have two choices. I can either be dependent on my family for the rest of my life and wake up every morning and ask God why he took my hands away, or make the hard choice to wake up every morning and say thank you that I still have my life.”

Only after he was discharged from the confines of the hospital rehabilitation center one year after his injury, Shilon said, did he understand that much of the world was not built for those with disabilities. 

“With this understanding, I started to research and develop companies and academic programs, mental wellness programs for wounded soldiers like me. I wanted to help them regain their ability to be a part of that world,” he said.

Initiatives launched by Shilon included an assistance program for wounded veterans who are commencing their studies at IDC Herzliya, where he studied law, and a fitness program for youth at Ofek Juvenile Prison.

Shilon began his latest project, combining impact with business, after being introduced to fellow disabled veteran Aryeh Katz and industrial designer Miri Berger, who were already designing a technology-based solution for a lecturer who had lost his hand in an accident.

Together, they cofounded 6Degrees, a Tel Aviv-based start-up developing motion-based, wearable technology that controls smart devices, enabling people with upper-limb deficiency – whether from birth or as a result of injury or illness – to join the digital world.

The company is mentored by Rami Beracha, a successful hi-tech investor who was severely wounded during the First Lebanon War. 

“I was their first tester in Israel, and I understood that they were developing something great. We have expanded the company, not just to replace a computer mouse, but for all operating systems; not only for people with amputations, but also for people with Parkinson’s, where we know how to filter out the tremors, and [for] kids with cerebral palsy,” said Shilon.

“There are more than 300 million people all over the world dealing with loss of fine motor skills. That is a lot of people who can’t really control technological devices, as they lack the ability use touch screens or a computer mouse, and voice control will never be as precise as imitating hand movement.”

Using a patented, adaptable, self-calibrating and learning algorithm, 6Degrees’ sleek wearable connects via Bluetooth to any smart device. The user simply places the battery-operated band on his or her upper arm and, within minutes, becomes able to accurately control the cursor or device, adjusted to the wearer’s individual limits or needs.

The desire to help children and disabled veterans and promote a feeling of normalcy are always at the heart of the company’s efforts. Rather than designing a big, bulky device, the company’s prototypes are intentionally unobtrusive and even fashionable.

“As the older generation, we struggle to understand the meaning of gaming in the world of children today. We used to play soccer or basketball in the playground. Today, without being able to play games with your friends, it’s like not being able to play soccer in the playground during break,” said Shilon.

“And at the other end of the spectrum, we are all temporarily able. The elderly also find it difficult to steadily hold a computer mouse. For both groups, whether it’s disabilities as children or older age, we will be the best option to communicate with the world.”

Boosted by initial backing by leading technology entrepreneur and investor Ron Zuckerman, 6Degrees hopes to soon close a seed-stage round of funding to complete its algorithm development and go to market, initially in Israel and the United States by the end of 2019. 

Shilon, who has told his inspiring life story to large audiences across the world, will share the latest chapter as a speaker at the rehabilitation track of the MIXiii-BIOMED 2019 Conference taking place May 14-16 in Tel Aviv.

“We predict that by December of this year, we will be able to go to market with our 6Degrees technology. We can really change the life of a lot of people all over the globe, and we will do everything that we need to accomplish it,” said Shilon.

UK Turns To Israel For More Medtech Innovation Thu, 25 Apr 2019 07:06:22 +0000

ANALYSIS by Catherine Longworth | Medtech Insight

The UK Israel Hub creates business partnerships across a range of sectors including health care, smart cities, retail, fintech and cybersecurity.

MiXiii Biomed – Israel’s Largest Health-Care Meeting

This year, the Hub will use Israel’s annual MiXiii Biomed* conference as a focal point for UK companies to meet with Israel’s health-tech players. The conference, which is Israel’s largest meeting place for health-care professionals is set to host more than 6,000 industry executives, scientists, physicians, engineers and investors, with approximately 1,000 of the participants coming from over 45 countries.

*MiXiii Biomed is Israel’s leading international life science conference and exhibition, taking place on May 14-16 in Tel Aviv. As in previous years, the conference will focus on diagnosis, monitoring and treatment, but this year it will also expand the scope and range of topics to include prevention and rehabilitation, thus exploring the full spectrum of health care. 

MIXiii-BIOMED 2019 – EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION ADVANTAGE Thu, 25 Apr 2019 06:48:28 +0000


Make sure you are part of this prestigious MIXiii-Biomed 2019 Event and save on the registration fee by registering no later than Wednesday, May 2, 2019 (until 12:00 midnight GMT+2).

Please note: Entrance to Biomed 2019 Exhibition & Conference, as well as the Networking area and Satellite events, is by payment only and therefore only accessible to Registered Participants.

Stay informed of the latest news and developments in the Biomed field and take a look at the Scientific Program line-up of interesting and world-renowned experts in their respective fields.

Join us in mixing and mingling with participants and Invited Faculty in Session Halls, the Exhibition Area, and Relaxing Social Events.

TytoCare to stock Best Buy shelves with its telehealth device for remote doctor’s exams Tue, 23 Apr 2019 12:58:19 +0000

FierceBiotech | by Conor Hale | Apr 22, 2019

“Best Buy said the exclusive partnership is another example of the store’s “growing commitment to the health space.” (Wikimedia Commons)

Israel-based TytoCare is pairing up with big-box electronics retailer Best Buy to put its remote medical exam hardware directly into the hands of consumers.

Available nationwide through Best Buy’s website for $299.99, the handheld device will also be offered in stores, initially at planned locations in Minnesota, California, North Dakota, South Dakota and Ohio.

The TytoHome telehealth device comes with attachments to examine body temperature as well as the heart, lungs, ears, throat, abdomen and skin to allow for remote diagnoses of ear infections, sore throats, fevers, colds and the flu, as well as allergies, stomachaches, rashes and more.

The company set out to create a medical kit that could “really capture all of those diagnostic data and share it with a clinician as part of a primary care examination,” which it saw as a “missing link” in telehealth, TytoCare CEO Dedi Gilad said in an interview in Israel, as the country prepares to showcase its biopharma industry at next month’s MIXiii BIOMED Conference in Tel Aviv.

Meanwhile, Best Buy said in a statement that the exclusive partnership is another example of the store’s “growing commitment to the health space.” Last year, the retailer acquired GreatCall, which provides connected health and personal emergency response services to the elderly.

TytoCare is also linking up with regional healthcare systems including Sanford Health, a large, not-for-profit system that will provide 24-hour, physician-guided remote exams to home users in Minnesota, Iowa and North and South Dakota. TytoCare also works with telehealth provider LiveHealth Online, powered by American Well, to offer care in other locations.

Through LiveHealth Online, select employers can offer the service to their employees and provide them with coupons to purchase TytoHome at Best Buy, the companies said.

In January, TytoCare raised an additional $9 million in funding to bring its 2018 series C total up to $33.5 million.

The funding round was led by Ping An Global Voyager Fund—with new money from Sanford Health, Itochu and Shenzhen Capital Group and its affiliates—to help fuel strategic partnerships to expand its reach into remote and rural communities in the U.S., Europe, Japan and China.

In China, “it’s not for the mass population right now—Tyto is a bit expensive for that market today,” Gilad said. But the company is working on a cheaper version with a lower-cost electronic platform that “will allow us bigger expansion in China, often at the home level.”

FiercePharma’s Carly Helfand contributed to this story.

MIXiii-Biomed 2019: Preliminary Program Tue, 16 Apr 2019 14:48:36 +0000

Scientific Program online – Register Now

MIXiii-Biomed 2019 is fast approaching. The high standard scientific program is ready to deliver a wealth of information, new technologies and the latest news relevant to the fields of Biomedicine.
Co-organized by leading Israeli and international healthcare institutions, we invite you to join us in lively discussions, interact with local and international Speakers and stay in the loop of new developments in Life Science & Technology.
For an overview of the 3-day scientific program and expert speakers, visit

As a registered participant, you have access to our unique B2B networking platform. Profile yourself and your company and Network with local and international likeminded future investors, partners and like-minded colleagues.

*Please note only registered participants will be permitted access to the Networking Areas.


Use this opportunity to participate and become a key player in the Biomed Industry. Remember to register before May 1 to take advantage of the lower registration rate.

For registration queries please contact: Ms. Ronit Steinmetz.
Mining data, Israeli healthcare provider flags colon-cancer risk patients Tue, 16 Apr 2019 07:33:38 +0000

Maccabi, in collaboration with heath-tech startup, has been using analytics in step forward for personalized medicine

15 April 2019

Biomed-Israel-2019-cancer patient and perfusion drip

An illustrative image of a cancer patient and perfusion drip.

Over the last year and a half, Maccabi Healthcare Services, in collaboration with Israeli startup Medial EarlySign, has flagged 67 patients with colon cancer and 250 in a pre-colon cancer state through the use of algorithms that scan patients’ data and alert physicians about patients at risk.

“We are looking at the patients’ data and using it to help us detect at-risk patients earlier,” said Prof. Varda Shalev, the head of the Morris Kahn and Maccabi Research & Innovation Institute, in a phone interview.

Shalev, a faculty member at the Tel Aviv University School of Public Health and an active primary care physician in Maccabi Healthcare Services, set up the center four years ago in a bid to use data “to create better personalized medicine.” Maccabi, Israel’s second largest health care provider, has some 2.5 million patients and thus a huge amount of electronic data on patients. The HMO has been digitalizing information since 1990.

Maccabi has recently started adding information from biological samples. It got the permission of some 70,000 patients in a 18-month period to add their blood and urine specimens to the database.

“In this way, if a patient has cancer, we can go back to their blood and urine tests to see if there were any genetic biomarkers that could have indicated the condition,” she said. “This allows us to build personalized medicine and show physicians the real pictures of patients.”

“We are looking at the data and using it to help diagnose patients earlier,” she said. “By knowing more about you, I can treat you better. For example, if you have the BRCA gene mutation, which could indicate breast or ovarian cancer risk, the system will immediately refer patients to do an MRI and not a simple mammography.”

Biomed-2019-digital health solution

An illustrative image of a digital health solution.

The systems in place are also able to give experts an automatic second opinion.

Maccabi has worked together with Israeli startup Ibex Medical, which recently raised $11 million, to jointly develop an algorithm that is able to analyze medical images of biopsies to predict whether a patient has cancer or not. The system has  been implemented at Maccabi in the form of a second opinion in the lab.

Maccabi has also worked together with US startup K Health to create a free mobile app that enables users in Israel and the US to insert their age and gender and ailments they are suffering from and get a diagnosis. This system, replacing the impersonal online search, conducts has a dialogue with the user, asking similar questions to those a physician would ask, and eventually providing information about what other patients with the same age, gender and symptoms were diagnosed with.

“If you consult with Dr. Google in order to get a diagnosis based on your symptoms, you will always get the worst-case scenario. The K Health app is correct 86% of the time,” Shalev said. “And it has just started its learning process based on all of the examples it has collected.”

Maccabi’s innovation center has been the subject of a Harvard Business School case study, Shalev said. “They invited me to speak about the program and how medical organizations can use data.”

Israel wants to become a leader in healthcare technologies. Last year the government approved a National Digital Health plan to create a digital database of the medical files of some 9 million residents and make them available to researchers and enterprises. Investment in healthcare technologies has soared, with digital health startups raising $511 million in 2018, from $389 million in 2017, according to data compiled by Start-Up Nation Central. Hospitals in Israel and HMOs have set up innovation centers to tap into the latest technologies.

How can innovation flourish given the dire straits of the Israeli health system — which sees patients having to wait months to see a specialist or get treatment, while hospitals are groaning under the pressure of shortages of staff and beds? Shalev acknowledged the acute lack of funding.

National expenditure on health was about 7.4% of GDP in 2017, compared to an average of nearly 9% in the OECD and 11% in European countries with health systems similar to Israel’s, according to the Taub Center for Social Policy Studies in Israel.

“We invest less in health and you can see the outcome,” Shalev said.”The population is getting older and bigger and we have a shortage of physicians. We need to inject more money into the system.”

The health technologies in Israel are already cutting edge, she said, “but much more could be done” if there were additional budgets.

Shalev will co-chair the Personalized Medicine and Digital Health Track at the MIXiii-BIOMED conference together with Dr. Yair Schindel, co-founder and managing partner of the aMoon Fund, in Tel Aviv on May 14-16.

Prof. Rafi Carasso refers to the Biomed exhibition in his program at 103FM on April 5, 2019 Wed, 10 Apr 2019 13:27:11 +0000

הפרופ’ רפי קרסו מתייחס לתערוכת ביומד בתוכניתו ב- 103FM מיום 5.4.19, וקורא לחברות סטארטאפ לנצל את ההזדמנות ולהראות את הטכנולוגיות והפטנטים, אפילו שהם בשלבים הראשוניים, שיש למדינת ישראל, שהיא אלופת הסטארטאפים. בנוסף קורא לאנשים אחרים לבוא ולראות את הספקטרום הרחב של האפשרויות הטכנולוגיות והמדעיות. שיקום, אבחון, ניטור, חידושים ועיצובים של מערכת הבריאות.

“מיקסי ביומד 2019, אחד האירועים המובילים בתחום מדעי החיים בארץ. יזמים וסטארטאפים מציגים את הפרוייקטים שלהם ברפואה לאנשים מכל העולם שמגיעים לראות, לקנות ולהשתתף.”

מיקסי ביומד 2019 יתקיים בין התאריכים 16-14 במאי בדיויד אינטרקונטיננטל, תל – אביב.

להאזנה העבירו את השידור לדקה ה- 24:26


Prof. Rafi Carasso refers to the Biomed exhibition in his program at 103FM on April 5, 2019, and calls on start-ups to take advantage of the opportunity to show the technologies and patents, even if they are in the initial stages, for the State of Israel, which is the start-up champion. He also calls on other people to come and see the broad spectrum of technological and scientific possibilities. Rehabilitation, diagnosis, monitoring, innovations and designs of the healthcare system.
MIXIII Biomed 2019, one of the leading events in the field of life sciences in Israel, entrepreneurs and startups are presenting their projects in medicine to people from all over the world who come to see, buy and participate.”
MIXiii Biomed 2019 will be held May 16-14 at the David Intercontinental, Tel Aviv.
To listen, transfer the broadcast to the 24:26 minute.


Prof. Rafi Carasso is Neurologist – Professor of Neuroscience and Neuroscience. He is an expert in chronic pain medicine, anti aging medicine and complementary medicine. Has a weekly radio show every Friday at 13:00 in 103 FM.