MIXIII BIOMED 2017: Call for Abstracts


Call for Abstracts

Oral Company Presentations at MIXiii Biomed 2017

Dear Colleagues,

MIXiii Biomed 2017 is the premier life sciences event providing a meeting place for the healthcare industry players from Israel and abroad. This event offers a unique platform in which to highlight your company’s product and expertise.

We are excited to announce that the Abstract Submission System is now open for 2017, and you are invited to take an Active Role by submitting a Company Presentation Abstract to one of the track categories in the Conference Program for this year. Participation in the conference Company Presentations Sessions ensures maximum exposure.

The Conference Tracks and Submission Categories are: 


 Longevity including Genetics and Environmental Factors

 Precision Diagnosis and Medicine

 Regenerative and cell therapy

Robotics’ Role in Aging

Age Related Diseases e.g. Diabetes, Cancer, Neurodegenerative
Diseases, CHF, Hypertension

Health IT, Digital Health and Cybersecurity

Continuum Care for the Elderly Patient

From Academia to Industry as Related to Aging and Age Related Issues

Start-up Pavilion Competition

For details, please contact:
Mrs. Chantal Gelderbloem, Associate Project Manager
Tel : +972 74 745-7435, Fax : +972 74 745-7435
Email  : cgelderbloem@kenes-exhibitions.com

Submission Deadline is April 10, 2017!

Don’t miss this opportunity to participate!!!

Don’t miss the opportunity to enjoy the Early Bird rates for hotel accommodations during the event.

During the MIXiii-Biomed season Tel Aviv tends to get booked up quickly, therefore; we have secured special, lower hotel rates for you, our guest.