Attending the three-day conference are 11 leading British healthcare organizations, currently collaborating with the British Embassy in Israel to build new innovation partnerships with Israel.
BY EYTAN HALON | MAY 15, 2019 | JPost

As the 71-year-old UK National Health Service (NHS) strives to continue delivering cutting-edge care to its patients and communities today, Israel’s leading role in the development of biotechnology, Big Data analytics and artificial intelligence technologies has made it an ideal partner.
Responsible for more than 60 million patients, NHS is the largest healthcare provider worldwide.
Responsible for more than 60 million patients, NHS is the largest healthcare provider worldwide.
“We are seeing more and more interest from the two countries than ever before,” Dr. Samuel Cronin, UK Israel Tech Hub healthcare innovation manager, told The Jerusalem Post on the sidelines of the MIXiii-Biomed 2019 conference taking place this week in Tel Aviv.
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