Private Lunch Reception STC
“Why is 'legalese' the language of choice for US patents?”
Speaker: Dr. Dan Goldstein, Adv.
May 14, 2019
Hall D
Why don't patent attorneys just write it out in plain English?
To find out, join Dr. Dan Goldstein, Adv., on a short virtual trip from the first meeting where you disclose your invention, to the day you file your patent application, from the oral arguments with a patent examiner, to the day your patent sees the inside of a courtroom.
*Entrance by invitation only.
To request an invitation, please write to [email protected].

The Annual Round Table for CEOs of Public Life Sciences Companies.
May 14, 2019
Room #3
* Entrance by Invitation Only.

Afternoon Cocktail Merck Inter-Lab Ltd
“The ABCs of ADCs: Antibody-drug conjugates in oncology.”
Presented by Dr. Jan Anderl,Head of ADC & Targeted NBE Therapeutics
Biopharma | Research & Development – Discovery Technologies at Merck
May 14, 2019
Hall D
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