Monthly Archives: March 2016

Robot Surgeons Coming Soon, to a Future Battlefield Near You

Technology can bring modern medicine anywhere in the world, if the phone system is working, but humans have to remain in control, says Technion professor Alon Wolf   Breakthrough device helps MRI take better snapshot of stressed heart Kibbutzim in the new millennium: Cultivating high-tech China’s new vision of manufacturing welcomes Israeli startups As the [...]

By | March 29th, 2016|Blog, Blog page|Comments Off on Robot Surgeons Coming Soon, to a Future Battlefield Near You

Wave of the future – cutting and pasting genes

Israeli scientists are being introduced to a new technique to cure some genetic diseases by a Tel Aviv University biologist and geneticist. Anyone familiar with a word-processing program has much experience cutting and pasting for editing text and even images. Although “gene editing” for eventually treating and even curing human diseases is almost unknown to [...]

By | March 28th, 2016|Blog, Blog page|Comments Off on Wave of the future – cutting and pasting genes

IATI Biomed 2016 Call for abstracts! Deadline extension

Call for Abstracts  Deadline extended for Oral Company Presentations till April 10 at IATI Biomed 2016 Dear Colleagues, IATI Biomed 2016 is the premier life sciences event providing a meeting place for the healthcare’s industry players from Israel and abroad. For the 15th  consecutive year, this world-class event offers a professional conference with world-renowned speakers, a must-attend functional exhibition and a [...]

By | March 24th, 2016|Blog, Blog page|Comments Off on IATI Biomed 2016 Call for abstracts! Deadline extension

BioBlast Pharma Announces Positive Final Results from HOPEMD Phase 2 Open-Label Clinical Study of Trehalose 90mg/mL IV Solution in Oculopharyngeal Muscular Dystrophy (OPMD)

NEW HAVEN, Conn., March 16, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- BioBlast Pharma Ltd. (Nasdaq:ORPN), a clinical-stage, orphan disease-focused biotechnology company, announced positive results from its HOPEMD Phase 2 six-month open-label clinical study in patients with oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy (OPMD), a rare progressive muscle-wasting disease characterized by swallowing difficulties (dysphagia), leading to the risk of aspiration of [...]

By | March 24th, 2016|Blog, Blog page|Comments Off on BioBlast Pharma Announces Positive Final Results from HOPEMD Phase 2 Open-Label Clinical Study of Trehalose 90mg/mL IV Solution in Oculopharyngeal Muscular Dystrophy (OPMD)

Emerald melanoma diagnosis system wins FDA approval

  The company already has distribution agreements in Israel, Sweden, Australia, and New Zealand. The system developed by Israeli company Emerald Medical Applications (OTC: MRLA), formerly DermaCare, which is designed to diagnose melanoma, has been approved for marketing by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Emerald's market cap is $10 million, following its merger [...]

By | March 23rd, 2016|Blog, Blog page|Comments Off on Emerald melanoma diagnosis system wins FDA approval

IATI Biomed 2016 Call for startups! Submission Deadline

The Start-up Pavilion Submission Deadline is March 22nd, 2016 If you’re an innovative early stage Biomed start-up, this is for you! One of the highlights of the IATI Biomed Exhibition is the Start-up Pavilion, dedicated to providing a powerful, high-end platform for maximum exposure and business development opportunities for innovative start-up companies. Strategically located at [...]

By | March 21st, 2016|Blog, Blog page|Comments Off on IATI Biomed 2016 Call for startups! Submission Deadline

Differentiate your company from the competitors

  Kenes Exhibitions offers you the UNIQUE PROVEN OPPORTUNITY to Differentiate your company from your competitors and broaden your competitive edge. We are presenting our Satellite Events which will give you the opportunity to access all auditoria you need at one place during our events. All Satellite Events are going to take place between May 24 and December 02, 2016 (see the list with the [...]

By | March 21st, 2016|Blog page|Comments Off on Differentiate your company from the competitors

“Bionic hearts” not science fiction anymore. Tel Aviv University researchers present breakthrough towards developing a “heart with a brain”

Tel Aviv Scientists Invent Bionic Heart Patch Cyborg patch, made of living tissue and electronics, can regulate itself and hopefully obviate heart transplant surgery for some. Agonizing and exorbitant: The 'super drugs' that couldn't save my father’s life Study: HPV vaccine leads to dramatic drop in teen infection Organ donations and transplants in Israel climb [...]

By | March 15th, 2016|Blog page|Comments Off on “Bionic hearts” not science fiction anymore. Tel Aviv University researchers present breakthrough towards developing a “heart with a brain”

One in four life science innovations has Israeli roots

Annual biomed conference is Israel’s ‘calling card’ for medical professionals interested in the latest in life science technology BY DAVID SHAMAH March 10, 2016, 6:02 pm Updated: March 10, 2016, 7:05 pm Few people realize that more than one out of every four of the biotechnology solutions in use today have Israeli roots. “Research in [...]

By | March 14th, 2016|Blog page|Comments Off on One in four life science innovations has Israeli roots

5 Ways to generate more Leads during “Biomed 2016”

Have you struggled to define your "buyers journey"? Have you spent more than 90% of your time on customers "who do not deserve it"? Have you proved 71% of the leads your company generates are wasted? This is the time to work on your leads. IATI-Biomed is the perfect opportunity to meet a wide range of life [...]

By | March 14th, 2016|Blog page|Comments Off on 5 Ways to generate more Leads during “Biomed 2016”