Israel’s academia to showcase innovative startups at the TTO’s Startup Competition at IATI-Biomed 2016, on May 25, Tel Aviv.

Including: BELKIN Laser, CartiHeal, ElMindA , HBMS, MagBiosense, MBcure, Nitiloop, Pam-Bio, SynVaccine, TyrNovo.

Copaxon, Doxil, Exelon, Azilect, Erbitux and Rebif are all drugs based on research originating from research institutions in Israel. There are currently more than 200 active healthcare-related startups in Israel based on inventions that came out of Israel’s research institutions. Come hear about the next big thing from academia, as we showcase the most promising, innovative life science startups based on academic research that will compete in the Israel Technology Transfer Organization’s Startup Competition. Then join us at the “From Bench to Bedside” sessions, bringing together leaders from Israel’s academic and medical institutions, research hubs and biomed industry, to present and discuss some of the “hottest” topics in biomedical research today, including big data in healthcare; novel approaches to cancer therapy; robotics in rehabilitation; and breakthrough solutions for dementia and other mental disorders.