The BIOMED 2016 Awards Ceremony celebrated the achievements of a number of outstanding contributors in the Start-up competition. The Start-up Area and Competition were Sponsored by PASCLE COMMUNICATION LLC and ZAG S&W.

This year, the conference program was divided into 9 different tracks (3 parallel tracks on each day of the conference). In accordance, each day 15 different startups exhibited at the startup hall, which all coincided with the fields of the track of that day.

The First Day, 25 May 2016

Presentations were given by companies displaying their innovations:

  1. 2breathe – 2breathe (Fall a sleep effortlessly).
  2. ThoraXS – Pneumothorax (Treating Collapsed Lungs in About a Minute).
  3. NovellusDX – NovellusDx (Technology for precision Cancer Analysis and Cancer Care).
  4. AUGmedics – VIZOR (A device for Laparoscopic and Current Robotic Surgery).
  5. NeuroRX – NMDA (Treatment for Acute Suicidal Crisis Associated with Bipolar Disorder).
  6. Circ MedTech – PREPex (Non-surgical device for male circumcision).
  7. Beyond Verbal – Transforming vocal intonations into measurable biomarkers by monitoring emotions (Vocal biomarkers).

The 2016 prizes were awarded to:

1st PLACE: NeuroRX, presented by Jonathan Javitt for his discovery “NMDA – Treatment for Acute Suicidal Crisis Associated with Bipolar Disorder

2nd award: NovellusDX, speaker Michael Vidne, “Enabling Precision Cancer Analysis and Care”.

3rd place: Circ MedTech, presented by Adi Kadussi, “PrePEX – Innovative medical device for male circumcisions without surgery”.