

Israeli companies are pushing microbiome development forward

By | July 13th, 2016|Categories: Blog|

By Joseph Straus, Staff Writer TEL AVIV, Israel – “The microbiome is still in its diapers,” says Nitsan Maharshak, somewhat tongue in cheek. Though the challenges are many and microbiome science is still in its [...]

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At the start-up line – the Start-ups (Russian)

By | July 7th, 2016|Categories: Blog|

На старте – стартапы Как мы уже сообщали, в минувшем месяце в тель-авивском отеле "Давид Интерконтиненталь" прошла международная конференция BIOMED-2016. Посвященная новейшим достижениям в области биологической медицины, она созывается в нашей стране уже 15-й раз, и с каждым годом [...]

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Story of a building contractor who became a successful biotech entrepreneur

By | July 3rd, 2016|Categories: Blog|

Patrick Terry, whose children were diagnosed 20 years ago diagnosed with a rare genetic disease, he went with his wife to look for a cure to save them and this was the start of serial entrepreneur [...]

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New DNA is inserted body genetics and facilities

By | June 28th, 2016|Categories: Blog|

Printed version Researchers were able to cure mice using replacement hemophilia gene - targeting therapeutic genes to unwanted cells מחדירים לגוף דנ"א חדש ומתקנים את הגנטיקה חוקרים הצליחו לרפא עכברים מהמופיליה באמצעות שחלוף גנטי – [...]

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Belgian Novadip’s stem cell technology can regrow real bone and skin for repairs

By | June 28th, 2016|Categories: Blog|

 Denis Dufrane, Co-Founder and Chief Science Officer at Novadip, told us that while they weren't there yet, Novadip's stem cell scaffolding could serve as the basis for generating new limbs in the future. Photo credit: [...]

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Trends in Innovation: Emerging Wound Care & Regenerative Medicine Therapies

By | June 28th, 2016|Categories: Blog|

Following is part 3 of 3 in a series of posts reviewing emerging advanced wound care and regenerative medicine trends and implications for the future of the industry. Part 1 focused on wound diagnostics approaches. [...]

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