Inside Israel: The Start-Up Nation Looks East For Investment

///Inside Israel: The Start-Up Nation Looks East For Investment

Inside Israel: The Start-Up Nation Looks East For Investment

Health IT is set to be one of the subjects explored at the MIXiii BIOMED annual conference, Israel’s leading international life science industry conference. The conference, now in its 16th year, will be held in Tel Aviv in May and is expected to attract over 6,000 participants. This year the leading theme is aging and Alon and Zeevi, co-chairs of the event, divided the conference into nine different tracks to cover a broad range of subjects all related to aging and longevity

“We deal with subjects at the cutting edge of science as being dealt by the industry,” says Alon. “We also have leading physicians and researchers from academia, yet the focus is on applied science.”

“BIOMED also serves as the annual meeting place for Israel’s healthcare industry with colleagues from across the globe. The meeting offers an opportunity for forming new partnerships and strengthening existing business relations between the Israeli and international life science industry.” (See box at the end of the article for more info on MIXiii BIOMED 2017).

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By |2018-11-20T08:52:51+00:00March 8th, 2017|Blog|Comments Off on Inside Israel: The Start-Up Nation Looks East For Investment

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