
3005, 2017

Diabetes and glaucoma startups win big at Biomed competition

By | May 30th, 2017|Categories: News|Comments Off on Diabetes and glaucoma startups win big at Biomed competition

Betalin Therapeutics, Nutrino Health, and E-Shunt win top awards in first ever biomed startup competition held at MIXiii Biomed exhibition this week. By Nicky Blackburn MAY 25, 2017, 4:23 PM Staff at Nutrino pick up [...]

3005, 2017

Futuristic #health #tech on display at #biomed #conference in Tel Aviv

By | May 30th, 2017|Categories: News|Comments Off on Futuristic #health #tech on display at #biomed #conference in Tel Aviv

From brain-monitoring electrodes to the mind-internet interface, the MIXiii BIOMED gathering provides a glimpse of what’s coming in healthcare BY SHOSHANNA SOLOMON May 25, 2017, 1:36 pm Participants at the MIXiii BIOMED conference in Tel [...]

2405, 2017

Mixiii Biomed is hosting the ‘Bio-medical Startup of the Year’ Competition

By | May 24th, 2017|Categories: News|Comments Off on Mixiii Biomed is hosting the ‘Bio-medical Startup of the Year’ Competition

Mixiii Biomed 2017 Conference (Kenes Exhibition's event) - the largest event of Israel's life science industry opened its doors on 23 May. Alongside the impressive exhibition and comprehensive conference, Mixiii Biomed is hosting the contest [...]

2405, 2017

Longevity and aging: focus of Israeli int’l biomed confab

By | May 24th, 2017|Categories: News|Comments Off on Longevity and aging: focus of Israeli int’l biomed confab

Delegates from 45 countries will attend 16th annual MIXiii Biomed international life-science conference and exhibition, starting today in Tel Aviv. By Abigail Klein Leichman MAY 23, 2017, 10:23 AM Israel’s international biomed conference will have [...]

2305, 2017

Celebrate the past, shape the future of Aging

By | May 23rd, 2017|Categories: News|Comments Off on Celebrate the past, shape the future of Aging

Get ready for the most amazing BIOMED Evening in Tel Aviv, Israel today at 5:45 p.m., 23 May 2017. IT’S YOUR NIGHT TO UNWIND AT THE BIGGEST BUSINESS NETWORKING NIGHT OF THE YEAR!!! The Gala [...]

For more news about the event, visit the Partners’ websites: