Come hear Dr. Anthony Muslin, on “Opportunities and Challenges in the Cardiovascular Biopharma Market”, at the IATI-Biomed 2016 conference, May 24-26.

Clinical developments over the last 20 years have led to 15% reduction in cardiovascular death in the US, but it is still the leading cause of death worldwide. With the continued trends in health behaviors, including physical inactivity, suboptimal nutrition, obesity and diabetes, the challenge to continue these improvements is significant. Fortunately, new developments are gaining wide-spread usage, including minimally invasive valve therapies, continuous monitoring, miniaturized devices, and more.


Join us at the “Listen to Your Aching Heart” track, at IATI-Biomed, on May 24, as academia as well as established companies and startups present their vision and new approaches that will take us through the challenges ahead.