Tel Aviv Hosts MIXiii BIOMED 2017

///Tel Aviv Hosts MIXiii BIOMED 2017

Tel Aviv Hosts MIXiii BIOMED 2017


The MIXiii Biomed Conference 2017, one of the world’s most prestigious conferences in the the area of bio-medicine, is being held in Tel Aviv this week, May 23-25, 2017, at the David Intercontinental Hotel. Now in its 16th year, Biomed, the largest annual event on the calendar of the vibrant Israeli life sciences community, is attended by prominent health professionals from Israel and the world. Alongside the sessions, the conference venue is also hosting exhibits of biotechnology companies and startups in the field of life sciences.

A primary focus for Biomed 2017 — a major international networking event for startup companies, investors, multinational corporations and researchers, and a forum for the presentation of important scientific papers — is Aging. Among the aspects of Aging to be examined during the conference are the impacts of genetics and environmental factors on life expectancy; diagnostic and medical precision; cellular regeneration and therapies; the role of robotics; age-related illnesses such as diabetes, cancer, degenerative neuropathies, hypertension and cardiac insufficiency; information technology, digital medicine and cyber; and chronic care for elderly patients.

This year, for the benefit of conference attendees, Biomed organizers are welcoming the participation of world-class global healthcare institutions, such as the Cleveland Clinic and the Mayo Clinic, as well as leading Israeli medical centers, including the Soroka Medical Center (Ichilov Hospital), Sheba Medical Center (Tel Hashomer) and the Rambam Campus.

Biomed 2017 organizers and sponsors include IATI, Israel Advanced Technology Industries; Kenes Conferences; and, with an eye toward stimulating investment, Our Crowd, the largest crowdfunding venture capital company in the world. Another partner organizer this year is Nation Central, which forges connections between global companies and organizations and Israeli innovators.

Website: MIXiii-BIOMED 2017


Photo by Silvia G Golan




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