6,000 participants set to take part in Israel’s premier international biomedical and life-sciences conference and exhibition.

MAY 23, 2016, 2:00 PM

Healthcare execs wanted a closer look at Israeli biomed innovation.

Healthcare execs wanted a closer look at Israeli biomed innovation.

Some 6,000 participants from 45 countries will take part in the 15th IATI-BIOMED 2016 Conference and Exhibition, which gets underway in Tel Aviv on May 24.

“This is the biggest and most established annual meeting of the Israeli life-science industry, and as such attracts senior representatives from global companies that search for innovation and groundbreaking technologies,” IATI Biomed co-chair Ruti Alon, told ISRAEL21c last year.

The May 24-26 conference serves as a meeting place for Israel’s healthcare industry with their colleagues from around the globe, as well as a prime spot for one-on-one meetings.

The three-day gathering covers a variety of biomedical fields including immuno-oncology, medical robotics, health IT, personalized medicine, cardiology, neurological disorders, translational research, as well as ‘new kids on the block’ microbiome, gene editing & gene therapy.

Among the speakers taking part in the event are Jay D. Kranzler, VP and Global Head, External R&D Innovation – Biotherapeutics and Strategic Investments, Pfizer; Dr. Marie Lindner,  Global Program Head, Strategic Partnership Team, Novartis; Dr. Anthony (Tony) Muslin, Vice President, Head of Cardiovascular and Fibrosis, Sanofi; and Dr. Luisa Salter-Cid, Vice-President, Immunoscience, Bristol-Myers Squibb.

“Israeli startups are a part of one of the most vibrant innovation communities in the world.”

The Israel Science and Technology Foundation is hosting a startup competition at the IATI-Biomed event. Contestants include: BELKIN Laser,CartiHeal, ElMindA, HBMS MagBiosense, MBcure, Nitiloop, Pam-Bio, SynVaccine and TyrNovo.

At the conference, Mayo Clinic is launching the Mayo Clinic Israeli Startups initiative, which will encourage collaboration among Israeli health care startup companies and Mayo Clinic to accelerate availability of medical innovations to the public. This initiative will also introduce Israeli health care technology to the US through the outreach and collaborations among physicians and scientists to advance the development of new discoveries for the benefit of patients everywhere.

“We are excited to launch this initiative at this premier life sciences global gathering and look forward to advancing the research and development innovations that have high potential to alleviate the burdens of human disease,” says Dr. Amir Lerman, medical director of the Mayo Clinic Israeli Startup Initiative and a Mayo Clinic cardiologist.

“Israel has been at the leading edge of life sciences and biomedical technology,” says James Rogers, chair of Mayo Clinic Ventures. “We are grateful for the opportunity to reach out to the Israeli startups through this initiative, as they are a part of one of the most vibrant innovation communities in the world.”

Read more: http://www.israel21c.org/iati-biomed-presents-microbiome-gene-therapy/